Amodini's Book Reviews

Book Reviews and Recommendations

Straight from the horse’s mouth

Written By: amodini - Mar• 20•05
Or rather mare. Which mare ? The mare that has read the book, seen the film, spent the weekend … doing sundry things, and experienced stuff – some good and some bad, and some which can only be classified as “yuck”. So, what now ? Whither goes this ? Down the random review road … which leads to the review room. I’m going to review (more like casual show and tell, and wildly gesticulate when needed) books, films, and music. Besides that I’m also going to randomly write on the stuff that happens. And doesn’t. And could. Or would. Or should.

Lke quality of life in suburban America. Or my breathing space. Or a description of the duel between self and the creepy crawly which slithered in through a closed (??) window on a rainy night, and my inability to dislodge the thing from my carpet, despite several energetic swipes with a rolled-up magazine.

Back to the pragmatic : stuff I review will probably be items I’ve recently/read/seen/listened to, unless of course the piece was so superb that I remembered it after all this time, or it was so terrible that it deserved to be ripped into shreds. OK, you see. You get my drift. So, why would you read this ? Because : it will warn you off stuff . I mean you don’t even have to rent the movie to know its terrible. Because: it will guide you to stuff that you (will hopefully) like. Because: it will be atleast mildly entertaining.

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