I wake up morning after morning, to news channel after news channel covering the same thing. Terror in Mumbai. Armed terrorists taking hostages, shooting at will. Openly, brazenly. But why the shock the surprise ? If you’ve been to India, have lived there, you know the condition of law and order there.
Politicians condoning this incident. Condoning – is that it ? Is there anyone who doesn’t ? Is that all the PM can can do ? Condone ?
Indian news channels talking about “exclusive” coverage. Exclusive ? Breaking news? First on this channel ? Yes, of course, TRPs.
Arnab, the anchor on TimesNow, getting emotionally drippy (and sounding overtly false) on TV. Patriotism oozing out. Suddenly.
Appreciating the brave men who give up their lives. Now when you see them taking the bullet for you. Otherwise the government refuses to give the Armed Forces their just due.
I’m sick and tired of hearing about the unbreakable spirit of the Mumbaikar, the Delhi-ite, the Kashmiri. Why should they have spirit, why should they go on ? Why should they not halt all normal life until something is done ? Halt missions to the moon, the people on earth need help.
How long ago was it that we heard of the Indian plane hijacked and taken to Kandahar ? How much has changed since then ? It won’t, you know, because lives in India – they are cheap. Nothing changes, a bomb blast here, a bomb blast there, people die. Politicians come, look solemn, visit hospitals, condone, condone, condone until they are blue in the face.